Friday, August 22, 2014

Meal Time Sanity Part 1: Breakfast

As a wife and stay-at-home mom of 5 who homeschools, I have 7 people ( including myself ) that rely on me to cook or put together...every meal...every snack...every day...the only exceptions are when hubby works his shifts at the station ( and I sometimes cook food and send it even then ), when we occasionally eat out, or when we eat with friends or family. Needless to say I spend A LOT of time in my kitchen...don't get me started on how many dishes I do ;) 
So I'm going to share with you how I make meal times around my house a little less crazy for me. I  will have a separate post on lunches then on suppers...if you aren't from the south you may call supper: dinner ;) Dinner in the south can either mean lunch or supper...ANYWAY...Today I'm going to share with you how I make breakfast time easier, and I NEED easy mornings :) I'm not a cheery, or even fully awake human most mornings. Coffee is my friend. With a lot of creamer. I'm pale, my coffee needs to match me :)
Breakfasts are always pretty simple on school mornings. Our normal monthly rotation is: oatmeal, cereal, bagels with cream cheese, yogurt with a banana, smoothies with toast, and twice a month I resort to poptarts...yeah I said it ;) Some days I'm feeling super ambitious and try a new Pinterest recipe...but when you're a zombie in the mornings that doesn't happen very often ;) On days that daddy wakes up with us at home and doesn't have to go to the station we have brunches. To fire families these days are basically what 9-5rs call weekends. We only have "normal" weekends when his shifts off actually fall on the entire weekend, which is rare. I love those mornings, we don't have school on most of those days so we all sleep late. Then when we do get up we stay in our PJ's turn on some bluegrass and head to the kitchen. Hubby and I cook breakfast together while the kiddos play. We usually cook a variation of eggs with bacon or sausage and toast but sometimes we make waffles, or pancakes with homemade strawberry or blueberry syrup.
 ( YUM ) 
Back to making school mornings easy:
Obviously most meals are grab and go making them SUPER easy.
My biggest time saver when making oatmeal is making it with a little help from my tea pot. I fill up and put my full teapot of water on the stove, then I set out my bowls in an assembly line manner and add 1/2 cup of plain one minute oats to them along with a little sugar and butter or maple syrup, whichever kind the kiddos want that morning ( the variations are endless ) Once my water is boiling I add enough of it to each bowl to get the right consistency and stir. Done. Easy. The boiling water cooks the oats right then and there. It's awesome. We do our morning chores while we wait for the water to boil and the oats to cool. I start my dishwater for the kids to put their bowls in after they finish so I don't have hard crusty dried oatmeal to chisel off of the bowls  if I'm not able to wash them right after breakfast...and news flash: I have a toddler and a 3 month old SO that pretty much never happens :) Hence: the reason I know that oatmeal gets hard and crusty and has to be chiseled ;) if you don't have a teapot you can boil a pot of water and ladle the water into the bowls. This also works with oatmeal packets.
I put bowls, spoons and cups on the table the night before to save even more time for oatmeal and cereal. For quick smoothies I do some prep ahead of time. I peel over ripe bananas and put them in a plastic baggie, I also wash and put whole frozen strawberries in baggies too ( tops=extra vitamins and less prep ) I buy whatever other kinds of fresh or frozen fruit I can find that is either on sale or reduced and can be frozen. I add a Greek yogurt and either milk or juice and sometimes some fresh fruit or carrots to the frozen fruit and blend in my ninja pulse ( those things are well worth the money...this statement is coming from a very frugal woman ) I serve these with toast ( whatever variation that the kiddos want that morning ). Basically I just keep breakfast simple. Simple=quick. My post on lunches is next, I have a few more tricks up my sleeve for lunches :) 
I love hearing from you :) leave me some feedback if you want. Follow me and share too if you like. You can do both by going to the web version of my blog, navigating to the bottom of the page and clicking the widgets :) Have a great rest of the day!


  1. I just found this blog post and love it! I am not a morning person either until I get that first cup of "pale" yummy goodness either. :) I'm loving reading your blog & following along with your sweet family. Maybe you wouldn't mind sharing with us how you & your family do quiet time/devotions... Do you ever get a quiet moment to be alone with God? ;)

  2. Thank you Sally! I'm glad you're following along with our craziness ;)
    Quiet time around here is rare lol. We get our devotions in by doing nightly bible reading/praying before bed. We also do the same before Daddy goes to work. For me personally I try to read at least once a day while I feed Maycee. I have my KJV bible app on my phone and I can study a little on there too. I try to really study at least once a week with my Bible and Strongs Concordance. With Hubbies job we don't get to go to church every time the doors open even though I wish we could. God blesses me around my house and let's me know He's with me. I've had a few shouting fits at my kitchen sink ;) God is amazing. I listen to wkyk 940am from 11:15 to whenever the gospel music stops when Josh is working. We listen sometimes while he's here too. My biggest help is taking the scripture that says "pray without ceasing" to heart. I pray as I'm doing things all day long. At my kitchen sink, while I'm folding laundry, while I'm cleaning or picking up clutter I'm talking to my Lord. I really think He had us ladies in mind with that verse. I'm also not perfect. There are days that I don't get to read. God still blesses me then too and I don't deserve it. He's my Rock.
